Select Opinions & Essays

*For my most recent essays, please visit: “Societal Safety and Survival.”
Dangerous leadership and a culture of violence: Shared psychosis in the age of Donald Trump. Cultura & Psyché, 2023.
Societal disorder as a precursor to dangerous minds in politics. International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy, 2022.
Silence versus bearing witness: Psychiatrists’ responsibility to society. Forensic Science International, November 2021.
Psychiatrists’ responsibility to society: Rethinking the Goldwater rule. Rule of Law Post, March 2021.

I warned of Trump’s psychological danger—and Americans suffered for the failure to stop him. AlterNet, March 2021.
How to heal from the public health emergency that was the Trump presidency. AlterNet, March 2021.
The American Psychiatric Association sickened America. MedPage Today, February 2021.
Gagged by Goldwater. Room, February 2021.
Pandemie Männerwahn. EMMA, February 2021.
Trumpism did not end with Donald Trump. Hill Reporter, February 2021.
Donald Trump will continue to be dangerous if not convicted. Hill Reporter, February 2021.
Trump shows why mental health must be part of political discourse. Boston Globe, January 2021.
Trump’s danger is now undeniable. Boston Globe, January 2021.
The Georgia phone call: Better than a psychiatric examination. DC Report, January 2021.
Why Biden needs to throw the book at Trump. DC Report, December 2020.
Do white supremacy and male superiority explain ‘the Goldwater rule’? Medium, December 2020.
What happened to the 25th Amendment? The gagging of the mental health profession. MedPage Today, November 2020.
A tribute to Dr. Jerrold M. Post. AlterNet, November 2020.
Transition warning: Trump’s mental illness is a growing danger. USA Today, November 2020.
Trump’s mental pathology, confirmed. New York Daily News, November 2020.
What is wrong with 68 million Americans? DC Report, November 2020.
Indictments of a killer: New books make clear Trump threatens every man, woman and child on Earth. DC Report, September 2020.
Trump’s mental unhealth: Elections alone won’t help if we do not name the problem. Meidas Touch, August 2020.
Mary Trump: ‘He understands he is not the person he pretends to be.’ DC Report, August 2020.
How Trump’s psychosis infects his followers—and how to get them better. DC Report, July 2020.
Trump is posing a public health threat that must be addressed. Hill, April 2020.
The coronavirus pandemic has made Trump’s psychiatric issues clear: We should remove him for our own safety. Independent, March 2020.
Preventing the spread of mental symptoms can also help contain Covid-19. Bioethics, April 2020.
There’s a madman in the White House … and he’s getting worse. DC Report, March 2020.
Trump’s fragile mental health must be handled with as much care as the coronavirus outbreak. Euronews, March 2020.
Mental health experts see Trump is dangerous, but our professional gatekeepers protect him. USA Today, October 2019.
Looking at the Mueller report from a mental health perspective. Boston Globe, May 2019.
Why are we so reticent to discuss the mental health of political leaders? Boston Globe, March 2019.
Speaking up about Trump: An experience of a lifetime. Room, February 2019.
No president should assume office without a ‘fitness for duty’ exam. Conversation, December 2018.
Inside the mind of Donald Trump. Politico, July 2018.
Peace or war on Korean peninsula? Korea Herald, April 2018.
Trump’s war psyche and world peace. Project Syndicate, February 2018.
Following President’s orders to report threats, I’m reporting Trump as a dangerous leader. New York Daily News, February 2018.
Psychiatry in politics and political psychiatry. Psychology Today, February 2018.
The Goldwater rule has been turned into a silencing mechanism aimed at those who would speak out. Boston Globe, February 2018.
Why do we monitor everyone in charge of nuclear weapons except presidents? USA Today, January 2018.
On Trump’s mental fitness, the experts are silenced and the public’s in the dark. USA Today, January 2018.
A warning to the nation: Psychiatrists have a moral obligation to speak out about President Donald Trump’s dangerous behavior. US News & World Report, January 2018.
Trump is now dangerous—that makes his mental health a matter of public interest. Guardian, January 2018.
Is Donald Trump’s mental health becoming dangerous? Medical experts weigh in. NBC News Think, December 2017.
Letter to the editor. New York Times, November 2017.